Final Meeting & Evaluation

HOST: P12, City of Brescia
VENUE: Brescia, Italy
Università degli Studi di Brescia
Aula consiliare della facoltà di Ingegneria – via Branze, 38
DATE October 8-9, 2015
Day 1 – 8th October, 2015
Morning: Partners and guests arrival
14:00 - 20:00 Project partner's meeting
Day 2 – 9th October, 2015
EU identity awareness in 3rd age citizens
Locaion:Università degli Studi di Brescia
18:00 - 20:00 Study visit for DOCPIE partners and dinner
9.00 – 13.00 Workshop: organizing an intergenerational event
The summaries of all presentation from international workshop are available HERE.
Within the European project DOCPIE - Democratic ownership and civil participation in Europe, coordinated by the Association for Rural Development LAZ (Slovenia), and co-financed from the Europe for Citizens Programme of the European Union, was organized an event Brescia on "Raising EU identity awarness in 3rd age citizens" (Strengthening the awareness of European citizens in the Third Age). The event took place between 8-10 October 2015 and it was the last of the four events held in various European cities.

The Municipality of Brescia was hosting the event and prepare content, involving the Councillor for urban planning and planning for sustainable development, the Directorate of Family Policy, the Person and Health and other departments if interested in the event.
The University of Brescia (Department of Civil Engineering, Architecture, Land, Environment and Mathematics - DICATAM) provided the necessary support to the definition of the scientific content of the event, through the structuring of a special scientific committee and interdepartmental frame such activities as part of the strategic project of the University "Health and Wealth".
The project coordinator (LAZ) provided all financial resources for the organization of the event .

The topics that were discussed at the conference were:
1) HEALTH AND LIFESTYLE. A deepening of the themes that most characterize the welfare of the elderly, in its three dimensions (physical, mental and social), and focusing on the person, understood as a unique individual;
2) PLANNING AND QUALITY 'OF LIFE IN URBAN. Studies aimed at improving the usability and accessibility of city centers and services, with particular attention to vulnerable users and the elderly;
3) PARTICIPATION AND WELFARE. The role of associations for the active participation of the elderly and urban policies for social inclusion.

Discussion at sidelines of the conference
(Dr. Dušana Findeisen, Slovenian Third Age University)