P1: Drustvo za razvoj podeželja LAZ, Šmartno pri Litiji, Slovenia - lead partner

Association for rural development LAZ has been active since 2004 and is involved mainly in activities to improve rural life and actively involve and connect rural population of all age groups through varied activities and projects thus promoting active citizenship. Association goal is to improve through rural development the quality of social and economical aspects of life of the habitants of the Jablaniška valley area. Activities of the LAZ NGO are very diverse from development of touristic programs, youth education programs, promotion of the cultural heritage and organization of workshops for rural population in order to raise awareness on different topics ( water resource management, ecology, agriculture, handcrafts). The activities are also aimed at different age groups and we are especially encouraging intergenerational transfer of knowledge and cooperation between the seniors and youngsters through different projects. The membership in organization is increasing and thus the volunteer input of the local population. The organization is trying to address different needs of local people therefore the range of the activities is growing form year to year.

P2: Asociatia Sportiva Culturala si Turistica - ASCT Turia 1307 Bálvanyos, Turia, Romania

P2 is a non-governmental organization established in order to join forces with the local municipality in their common efforts of fostering local and regional development in fields of common interest such as economy, culture, social, youth, sports, etc. in the area of Turia, RO. The main objectives of P2 are:
- to elaborate, promote and implement programs and projects of economic, social and cultural development in the region (social inclusion, democratic ownership, civic participation, volunteering),
- to improve the local economic potential (in order to drive down youth unemployment),
- to effectively undertake international exchanges of ideas, information and know-how,
- to promote ecologically sound & sustainable agriculture, and biotechnology,
- to preserve natural monuments,
- to create links between citizens from different countries in Europe,
-to encourage political discussion among groups groups that traditionally are far from the centers of power (unemployed, Roma, youth, women). 

P3: Kistarcsa Város Önkormányzata, Kistarcsa, Hungary

Municipality of Kistarcsa (P3) strives to provide residents with information that helps them understand and access all city services as well as to promote its facilities to residents and visitors. It maximizes understanding of policies, activities and services by all audience groups.
Since its inception, the Europe for Citizens Programme furthered European understanding, cooperation and active citizenship. It also created and continues to provide a platform for small communities like Kistarcsa to build social, economic and cultural ties that link individuals across thousands of kilometers, and help them embrace their differences and develop tolerance and mutual understanding. P3 is actively seeking opportunities to connect with other communities, in order to establish social, cultural & economic relationships that will celebrate common European citizenship, cultural and linguistic diversity. Municipality of Kistarcsa is officially twinned with P7 - Radomyśl nad Sanem, Poland. 

P4: Općina Breznički Hum (Municipality of Breznički Hum), Croatia 

P5: Polska Fundacja im. Roberta Schumana (Polish Robert Schuman Fondation), Poland

PFRS is non governmental and non political organization. The Foundation's main aims are to encourage Polish citizens to actively participate, promote opportunities created by the Polish membership in the Community, foster the values of the European Union and to strengthen civil society in Poland. PFRS implements educational and civic programs, focusing on the following issues: 
European integration, societal engagement of citizens, promotion of democratic and civic values. The Foundation cooperates with a wide range of institutions within and outside the EU concentrating on promoting political and social initiatives focusing on the development of democracy. In this process, it supports cultural, scientific and educational organizations that actively contribute to the development of closer bonds between Poland, EU institutions and other EU Member States as well as the infrastructure of NGO's active in similar fields of work. 

P6: Inštitúcia regionálnych aktivít Novohradu (Institution of regional activities Novohradu), Novohradu, Slovakia


P7: Jugend – und Kulturprojekte E.V., Dresden, Germany       


P7 provides a platform for planning and implementing of international projects in the area of youth, citizenship, education & culture. Founded in 2004 it aims to support cultural exchange among European countries and to take part in the social integration of young people and adults, whose competencies regarding culture, knowledge of European history, EU politics & society should be enhanced. With manifold projects P7 is also dedicated to coaching of volunteers, youth workers as well as professionals, in the fields of citizenship, participatory democracy, civic engagement, youth, and culture all over Europe.
Part of P7's exchange projects is to familiarize participants with Dresden and its history, while raising awareness of remembrance, common history and values of the EU, such as promoting peace & the well-being of its peoples. Results of projects are presented to audiences in form of exhibitions, shows or performances, and are contributing to the cultural life in the city.


P8: Opstinska uprava Backa Topola, Backa Topola, Serbia
P8 is a town and municipality in the North Bačka District of Vojvodina, Serbia. The municipality is composed of 23 local communities and has a population of 33,321, while the town of Bačka Topola has 14,573 inhabitants, an ethnically mixed community. A recent community survey revealed that the following were perceived as strong assets of Bačka Topola: availability of recreational facilities; the ease of commute by automobile; the stability and appreciation of home values; the availability of recreational programs; the amount of open space; and the availability and quality of cultural facilities. P8 is constantly working to improve these assets and make sure that the residents have a good quality of life and enjoy living in Bačka Topola through implementing its smart growth plan. As integral part of the smart growth plan and anticipating Serbia's ascension to the EU, P8 also seeks to build and further social, economic and cultural ties with communities across the European Union.

P9: Omilos Unesco Serron Ellados, Serres, Greece

P9 is non-governmmental, non-profit organization located in Greece, in the city of Serres. It's a member of the World Federation of Clubs, Associations and Centers of UNESCO and part of a network of over 4000 UNESCO clubs in more then 100 nations worldwide with the purpose of acting in UNESCO's fields of competence at a  grass root level. These clubs make it possible to publicize the values represented by the Organization in local communities. In the light of civil society's growing role in public policy-making, the Club movement plays a key part in educating citizens, and can contribute to dialogue between cultures and generations for sustainable development. For the past 20 years, Club Serres for UNESCO has been a key actor in local development and civic education. The organization is actively involved in the promotion of elementary education, natur censervancy and protection of cultural heritage, organization of camps of research and study, youth exchenges, regional and internation campaigns on International Days as they are nominated by the General Assembly of Unite Nations and the UNESCO, awareness-raising activities and activities which promote the European Union and European identity


P10: Dimos Serron, Serres, Greece

P10 is located in the northern part of Greece, and is the capital city of  the Prefecture of Serres, one of the most important agricultural regions of Greece. The city's population rises to more than 80.000 inhabitants and is also home to a vibrant community of more than 15.000 students studying in the eight Departments of the Technological Educational Institute of Central Macedonia and the Department of Physical Education of Aristotle University. The Munucipality of Serres employs 350 people in five specialized Divisions having to do with its tehnical, financal and management requirements. Its Department of Programming, Development, Quality & Efficiency has been responsible for the managment of various EU-funded projects, including Structural Funds, & cross-border cooperation programs on topic ranging from tehnical to cultural, sports, and health. In 2014, the Municipality of Serres was awarded the Greek Environmental Award for its projects and awareness-raising activities on sustainable development. As a member of the European Coalition of Cities Against Racism (ECCAR) it files a biannual report on specific actions undertaken to promote an inclusive, tolerant & non-discriminatory society. P10 has also established a Volunteering Office which aims at searching, highlighting and promoting the local human capital and cooperation between local organizations, institutes and citizens. 


P11: Veliko Turnovo Municipality, Veliko Turnovo, Bulgaria

According to the Local Self-government and Local Administration Law Veliko Turnovo Municipality is a public body. It is the organisation which is responsible for all matters of local importance. The general responsibilities of Municipality are: municipal property, fees and administration; urban development; education; culture; health; social services; public works; environmental protection; protection of cultural, historical and architectural monuments; development of sport and tourism. Veliko Turnovo Municipality has a very good experience in the implementation of different policies and already has proven opportunities and capacity for project elaboration and management. In its structure a “Municipal Development” Directorate is established, whose main role is project development and implementation. In its activities Veliko Turnovo Municipality is guided by an administrative and management team policy toward achieving an effective application of high-quality administrative process.


P12: Commune di Brescia, Italy

he city of Brescia has 193.000 inhabitants and covers a territory of 90 km2. The organizational structure of the municipality of Brescia is devided into units of staff, areas, areas with operational coordination, sectors and services in the various aspects involved in the managment and development of the city. 
The main sector involved in the DOCPIE project is the Urban Plnanning department, together with the Social Services Department. Other deppartments could be involved. Furthermore, within the DOCPIE project, Commune di Brescia cooporates with the University of Brescia (DICATAM department). The university of Brescia has a focus on helth and wealth issues. Therefore, the cooperation can be particularly fruitful to develop the spacific topic of the event. Universita degli Studi di Brescia is in charge of structuring the scientific contents of the event, through a scientific committee.

P13: CRDLS Albania, Tirane, Albania

P13’s key activities include:
-to promote and organize meetings that deal with the topic of regional and local sustainable development in economic, social, cultural and environmental area, as well as relevant policies,
-to act as a centre for training and sensibilization for interested individuals and groups, within the scope of its activity,
-to establishes relationship with local and foreign peer organization in order to exchange experiences, promote best practices as well as the collection and presentation of case studies of national, regional and local interest,
-to conduct applied and theoretical research, education and consulting activity in the field of regional and local sustainable development,
-to promotes and facilitate research cooperation between Albanian and foreign researchers in the fields of local resources, environmental issues, cultural and territorial impact,
-to assess local development against compliance with European directives and international indicators

P14: Association Civil Centre for Sustainable Development EGRI Kriva Palanka, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia

Association EGRI was founded in 2000 with objective to improving the quality of living of the local community and it is dedicated on implementation of projects and activities that support creating of conditions for sustainable development based on local resources. Focus of its acting is given on creating fertile partnership and networking with organizations and associations on local, national and international level. 
It played very active role in creating of local and regional strategical documents, so it attracts young person to be involved in its actions and project implementations and it ensure its permanent growing and development. In the past years EGRI is concentrated on fostering of civil activism, with focus on youth initiatives, entrepreneurship and international cooperation. Raising the level of the European identity, promotion of democratic and civic values, and support the country in its EU integration process, through establishing EU partnerships and implementation of EU funded projects will be main preoccupation on EGRI in the next period. 

P15: Budapesti Muszaki es gazdasagtudomanyi egyetem, Budapest, Hungary

Founded in 1782, P15 is one of the oldest leading institutions in higher education and research in Central Europe. Its present activity is based not only on our responsiveness to the needs of a continuously changing world, but also more than 230 years of experience and tradition that provides a guaranteed basis for high-quality education. P15 holds an international reputation for excellence, attracting students and faculty from all over the world. Its programs are frequented by more than 24,000 students including about 1,100 international students from 70 different countries. As a member of the elite league of the five research universities in Hungary, P15 is committed to differentiated, multilevel, high-standard education, founded on intensive basic training, research, development and innovation, and scientific qualification in all field of sciences.